Hrvatska udruga tehnologa u nuklearnoj medicini (HUTNM) je samostalno strukovno dragovoljno neprofitno udruženje djelatnika srednje, više i visoke stručne spreme (tehničari, medicinske sestre, tehnolozi, inženjeri, liječnici i dr.) zaposlenih u nuklearnoj medicini na području Republike Hrvatske. Sjedište HUTNM je u Kliničkom zavodu za nuklearnu medicinu i zaštitu od zračenja Kliničkog bolničkog centra Zagreb. Članovi HUTNM mogu biti i sve ostale osobe u vezi s nuklearnomedicinskim tehnologijama te s interesima i djelovanjem sukladnim Statutu HUTNM.

The Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologists (CSNMT) is an independent nonprofit voluntary professional association of workers with a secondary, higher and university education (technicians, nurses, technologists, engineers, doctors, etc.) employed in the field of nuclear medicine in the Republic of Croatia. A head office of the CSNMT is in the Department of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Protection, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. All individuals dealing with nuclear medicine technologies and with the interests and activities according to the Statute of the CSNMT are also welcome to apply for a membership in the CSNMT.

Tijela HUTNM su:

  1. Skupština
  2. Upravni odbor
  3. Predsjednik
  4. Nadzorni odbor

The bodies of the CSNMT are:

  1. The Assembly of Members
  2. The Executive Committee
  3. The President
  4. The Supervisory Board

Misija HUTNM je cjeloživotno obrazovanje članova kroz stručne i znanstvene skupove te putem elektroničkog učenja, unaprjeđenje i razvoj kakvoće te promicanje izvrsnosti svakodnevnog rada utemeljenog na međunarodno prihvaćenim načelima i obrascima, poticanje stručnog i društvenog međudjelovanja članstva, zagovaranje i zastupanje položaja članova u strukovnom i društvenom okružju, suradnja sa srodnim udrugama i organizacijama u zemlji i svijetu, te svako drugo djelovanje u interesu članstva i struke no prije svega na dobrobit bolesnika i društvene zajednice.

The mission of the CSNMT is a lifelong education of its members through professional and scientific meetings and through e-learning, improving and developing the quality and promoting the excellence of everyday work based on internationally accepted principles and guidelines, encouraging professional and social interactions between members, lobbying and advocacy positions of members in vocational and social environment, cooperation with related national and international associations and organizations, and any other action in the interest of the membership and the profession but primarily for the benefit of patients and the community.

Dvije godina nakon osnivanja Odbora tehnologa (engl. Technologist Committee –  TC) Europskog udruženja za nuklearnu medicinu (engl. European Association of Nuclear Medicine – EANM), u Zagrebu je 1996. godine osnovana Hrvatska udruga tehničara u nuklearnoj medicini. 2005. godine udruga mijenja ime u Hrvatska udruga tehnologa u nuklearnoj medicini, shodno novim prožimljućim tehnologijama i nazivlju koji se rabe u suvremenim zdravstvenim sustavima. Od 1999. godine HUTNM je suorganizator stručnih sastanaka nuklearnomedicinskih tehnologa u okviru trijenalnih međunarodnih kongresa Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu. Od 2006. godine HUTNM je organizator i godišnjih međunarodnih stručnih sastanaka tehnologa u nuklearnoj medicini, koji su kao zaokružene formalno-sadržajne cjeline povijesno prva događanja te vrste prepoznata i službeno poduprta od strane EANM. Od 2005. godine nekoliko članova HUTNM su i članovi EANM, pa aktivno sudjeluju u radu godišnjih kongresa EANM. Od 2006.-2012. godine od osobitog je značaja bila uloga i rad hrvatske predstavnice u TC EANM, krovnom tijelu nuklearnomedicinskih tehnologa u Europi.

The Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine Technicians was founded in 1996 in Zagreb, Croatia, only two years after the founding of the Technologist Committee (TC) of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM). In 2005 the Society changed its name to the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologists (CSNMT), according to the (e)merging technologies and terminology used in modern healthcare systems. Since 1999 the CSNMT has been co-organizing professional meetings of nuclear medicine technologists as a part of triennial International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine. In 2006 the CSNMT started to organize national annual meetings of nuclear medicine technologists with international participation. These technologists’ meetings, well-defined in content and structure, were the first events of its kind in the history which had been recognized and officially endorsed by the EANM. From 2005, few members of the CSNMT are also members of the EANM, and as such have been actively participating in the annual congresses of the EANM. In the period from 2006-2012, of particular importance was the role and work of the Croatian representative in the EANM TC, a sort of “umbrella body” of the nuclear medicine technologists in Europe.

Kao jedna od tek nekoliko samostalnih udruga nuklearnomedicinskih tehnologa u svijetu, HUTNM i kroz ove stranice svesrdno nastavlja svoju misiju pružanjem raznolikih obavijesti i tople ruke suradnje svima koje zanima zajedničko putovanje u budućnost visokih tehnologija u biomedicini.

As one of the few independent societies of nuclear medicine technologists in the world, the CSNMT through these web pages continues whole-heartedly its mission to provide diverse information and extend a warm hand of cooperation to all those interested in a joint journey to the future of high technologies in biomedicine.