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9. godišnji sastanak Hrvatske udruge tehnologa u nuklearnoj medicini (HUTNM) održat će se tijekom 8. međunarodnog kongresa Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu (HDNM) od 9.-12. svibnja 2014. u Šibeniku /
The Nineth Annual Meeting of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologists (CSNMT) will be held within the Eighth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine (CSNM) in Šibenik, May 9-12, 2014
Pismo predsjednika Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu (HDNM) /
Letter of the President of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine (CSNM) (.jpg)
Prva obavijest 8. međunarodnog kongresa Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu (HDNM) i 9. godišnjeg sastanka Hrvatske udruge tehnologa u nuklearnoj medicini /
First Announcement of the 8th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine (CSNM) and the 9th Annual Meeting of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologists (.pdf)
Konačni program 9. godišnjeg sastanka Hrvatske udruge tehnologa u nuklearnoj medicini /
Final programme of the 9th Annual Meeting of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologists (.pdf)